Welcome to Mac OS 8.1 This program installs Mac OS 8.1 on your computer in four easy steps. Follow the onscreen instructions. If you need help, click the Help button in each window. For more information and troubleshooting tips, see the Mac OS 8 installation manual. System Requirements To install Mac OS 8.1 your computer must have a PowerPC or 68040 microprocessor and at least 12 MB of RAM (20 MB recommended). If your computer has less than 20 MB of built-in RAM, you must use virtual memory. (Mac OS 8.1 automatically turns on virtual memory when you install it.) Depending on the software you choose to install, you may need between 50 MB to 300 MB of space available on your hard disk. The Installer will display a message if you don’t have enough space. Important In order to install Mac OS 8.1 on PowerPC machines with less than 16 MB of RAM, it will be necessary to reboot with extensions off (by holding the shift key). Before you begin • Turn off all security software, including At Ease. • Write down your Internet settings, such as IP address, router address, and so on from the TCP/IP, PPP and Modem Control Panels. • Start up your computer using the Mac OS 8.1 CD or Disk Tools floppy disk. If you're installing the software on a PowerBook, also do the following: • Plug the PowerBook in so it's not running from battery power. • Turn off password protection in the Password Security control panel. If you can't start up from the Mac OS 8.1 CD or Disk Tools floppy disk, also do the following: • Turn off all non-Apple extensions and control panels. • If you have a PowerBook, set it to not go to sleep. • Restart your computer, then run the Installer again. If Apple Remote Access 3.0 (ARA 3.0) Personal Server is installed, make sure answering is off before upgrading to System 8.1. To ensure answering is off in ARA 3.0, make sure the answering option is unchecked in the ARA Answering dialogue. To get to the dialogue, open the Remote Access control panel and select Answering… from the Remote Access menu. After the 8.1 update installation has successfully completed, turn answering back on from the same dialogue. See the installation manual for more information about preparing your computer for installation. Warning PowerTalk is not compatible with Mac OS 8.1. If you use PowerTalk, see “Installing over PowerTalk” in the manual before continuing. Apple Telecom software included with Mac OS 8.1 is for PowerPC computers only. If you have a 68040-based Macintosh with Apple Telcom software, your current software will not be deleted or changed. However, if you perform a clean installation of Mac OS 8.1 you must re-install the previous version of Apple Telecom separately.